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The new Chump Magic stickers are here! It was never planned, but now days I always add new stickers in groups of three once a year. These new goofy little stickers mark seventh wave of the sticker three pack. This year we have The Puffer Fish, Frank the Frank, and Heye.

The Puffer Fish – What can I say, I love working with puns… although it pains me to admit it or believe it’s true

Frank the Frank – Frankenstein’s Monster as a Hotdog (or Frank / Frankfurter). Both named Frank and both made for various body parts… it was just too difficult to pass up on this idea! Normally I try to avoid pop-culture / fan art as it is often poorly used and mistreated to quickly gain attention and income (which definitely does not get my approval), but I had to buckle for this one!

Heye– I like drawing eyeballs, but for the most part, all my characters have hollow eyes. I wanted to change that by adding some eyeball designs!

I hope you like the new line-up and enjoy these cool, silly stickers 🙂

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Free Comics

Click here (or the image above) to view a PDF version of the Teaser Edition of my graphic novel, “Savior: The Day The Devil Saved the World!”
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Click here if you wish to download a copy!

Physical copies are available too!


I hope you enjoy the first chapter of my graphic novel. I am hoping to have the entire story completed and available by late 2021/ early 2022. Please do not hesitate to share this with anyone whom you think may appreciate this wacky tale. Thanks!


***UPDATE: The graphic novel is very close to complete. If you wish to sign up to receive notifications via email about the official release of my book, then please click here. There is also a sign up at the bottom of this page too. Thanks again! ***
